Thursday, July 4, 2013

LadyBug's First Fourth of July

 For the Fourth of July we went up to Grandma and Papa's house for fun with the Fam.  BBQ, Sprinklers, Fireworks, Popsicles... isn't America Great :)

Ladybug all decked out for the Fourth. (Thanks Aunt Colette for such a cute outfit :) )

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag
(pics to come)
Munchkin had lots of fun with this crazy armed caterpillar sprinkler that is when we could convince Ian not to spray her in the face :)
(pics to come)
Stomping on POP-ITs
Helping feed the Baby
It is fun to celebrate with family, but more importantly is why we celebrate.  We are so grateful to live is such a wonderful country and so grateful for all those who have fought and sacrificed to keep us free!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you all.
