Sunday, November 29, 2009

The House

After 6 months of looking and much despair we finally found the one OUR FIRST HOUSE!

We discovered that to get anything worth having you had to move quickly so this home was listed at 9am I looked at it at 12pm showed it to Aaron at 9pm and put an offer in at 11 pm.  By 9am the next morning the owner had 3 more offers.  Thankfully since we offered full asking price the owner said we were first so we should get it.  So we did!

It was built in 1949, as far as we can tell we are the third owners.  It is unique and cute with a lot of potential. We closed Thanksgiving 2009 and went right to work making it our own.  We moved in Feb 2010 and I am sure we will be posting as more and more projects get completed.

Photo from 1950ish

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