Saturday, December 15, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012


While I was folding laundry Munchkin decided to put on every skirt she owns.  The Result......

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe

This year was Munchkin's first Trick or Treating.  She was not really sure about it so we bribed her with a single Skittle for each house that she knocked on and signed "Thank You".  By the time we got to our friend's party (Munchkin had gone through 2 fun sized bags of Skittles and a package of Smarties)  our no sugar child was on a high like I have never seen.  She ran around in circles chasing her tale and screaming :) 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012


Munchkin did her first somersault today out of the blue

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tiny Hand

     Last night Munchkin woke up completely tramatized.  I don't know if she had a nightmare or what may have happened, but I went in and she sniffled for the longest time. 
     We cuddled as I rocked her, I started to sing a lullaby ( she made it abundantly clear that was not a desired occurrence:-) ),  and told her how much I lover her. 
     After she calmed down I went to lay her back down in her crib,  her little hand clung desperately mine.  It broke my heart, so that is how we spent the rest of the night.
     She in her crib, I on the floor, holding hands through the bars.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Butterfly Girl

     For Munchkin's birthday we had a butterfly birthday party.  I bought a bunch of wings from the dollar store.  They are now in her dress up box and her very favorite. 
     Everyday, by midmorning, she has pulled out two pairs.  One for her and one she insists I wear.  As soon as wings are properly adhered to our bodies she immediatly runs to the armoire where our stereo is kept. 
"Do you want music" I ask extraneously, I know she wants music, this routine is as inevitable as her waking up every morning at 7:30 sharp.  
"Yeah" she exclaims, in her half word half laugh that makes you think she is training to be a supervillian. 
"How do you ask?"  Rubbing her hand on her tummy she signs Please.  
I turn on the stereo.
"What do you say?" She vigorously throws her hand from her mouth signing Thank You.
"You're welcome" I sign and say. 
     Then with no further adieu she begins to twirl waving her arms to the music. 
     After a while the dancing is replaced by other pursuits but the wings remain firmly affixed.  Few melt downs surpass the one that occurs every naptime when wings have to be removed.  And 9 times out of 10 the wings will be found and returned to their proper location, her back, in the afternoon.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Munchkin Playing Peekaboo

Scottish Festival

Munchkin and I went to the Payson Scottish Festival with Daddy while Aaron was traveling for business. We both wore our Menzies Tartan Kilts.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fish Cake

Daddy's Fathers Day Cake
     (I named him Stuart)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello Kitty Cake

This year for James' Birthday I made one of his favorite Characters :)

Wii Cake

For Daniel's Birthday I made a Wii Remote