The first was December 15th 2007. He planned a very sneaky picnic on a beautiful if frigid cache valley winter day, with the assistance of my best friend Robyn and her now husband Mike.
I was told we were going for a drive up the canyon, part way up he said "I want to see what is up this little road" thinking he was weird but too nice to say anything I said "Sure" Of course I caught on that something was up when part way up the little road I saw Robyn and Mike scurrying for cover :) Around the bend we came upon a picnic all laid out with a basket and blanket next to the river

I started getting really suspicious when Aaron wouldn't let me touch the basket :) and as he pulled things out it was pear sparkling cider (my favorite) mint truffles (my favorite) and then he asked me to get something out of the basket..... very suspicious at this point i lifted the lid of the basket to find...
.... a KITTEN! A tiny black adorable kitten with as it turned out a ring tied to a red ribbon around her neck!
He then proposed though it was hard with a tiny frozen kitty squirming while he took off the ring and proposed as I stuffed her in my coat to keep her warm. :)
Of course I said YES!
Alright you say so if he did such a good job and of course you said yes.... why are there two proposals?
Well that would be my fault. In January I moved to the Washington DC area to take a temporary position with the FBI. While working out there I just felt like the timing was off after a long discussion Aaron and I (lets be honest I) decided it was too soon and that we agreed we would go back to dating for a while. :) Patient boy isn't he great!
So after another year+ of dating it brings us to proposal #2
The Second and final proposal :) was March 13th 2009. We had tickets to go through the Draper Temple Open House. So Aaron decided to make the proposal all about the temple. Which was a beautiful way to do it considering our beliefs. So he took me to a surprise dinner at the Roof Resturaunt in SLC.
We then drove down to Draper and attending the open house of this beautiful new LDS Temple. It was really nice to just wander through such a beautiful quiet sacred place.
After the open house we drove back to Downtown SLC ( I had him all figured out by now :) ) To City Creek Park. There it was FREEZING, but as I had him figured I went along to the middle of the frozen park.
We could see the city lights and the Salt Lake Temple.
We came up to a bench where his cute sisters had planted a bouquet of flowers and cheesecake.
They were worried about the flowers in the frosty air so they waited until they could see us and then army crawled away under the pine trees :).
Then he knelt down on one knee and asked me to be his wife for eternity