Wednesday, October 9, 2013

This morning Munchkin started screaming in her bed.  I ran upstairs and into her room to find out what was wrong.  She was still half asleep so I woke her up and asked what was wrong.  Did she have a bad dream, all she kept saying was "No! Ian no take my bike!"

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fairy Adventure

Today the kiddos and I had a fairy adventure.  We walked to the Bus stop to meet Aaron coming home from work and on the way blazed a trail through imaginary forests fraught with danger.  Telephone Pole Giants and Tree Stump Trolls lurked the woods.  Tree branches and weeds turned in to Monster Tentacles, and traffic signs became Ogres.   Through it all Princes Aislyn and I were protected by a Fairy Munchkin and a Pirate Champion. 

Our Friend Joshua

Off to Battle

Yep I'm Adorable

I am not amused

Put em Up

Tis the season for canning and I am excited to dive into pears. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

obi one a cutie

This is not the toy you're looking for...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Favorite Friend

This Morning I asked Munchkin who her favorite friend was. She looked a bit thoughtful and so I asked if Monkey-Monk was her favorite friend?
"No" she said. 
 "Oh is Adah your favorite friend?" 
So I asked "so who is you favorite friend?" 
 She sat thoughtfully for a few minutes then got really excited and pointed at me! 
"I'm your favorite friend?!" I asked
 "Yeah!" she yelled
and I teared up a little bit.